The runner uses the streets as a canvas, making “drawings” of his routes

Jogging is, as everyone already knows, a very useful activity for physical and mental health. However, while it is absolutely natural for some, others find running an unbearably boring sport.

How to revive your runs without any element of competition? Today, you say, there are many applications that monitor indicators such as pace, distance, heart rate, energy expended. And some of them even offer challenge with other users of the application to push you to better results.

But we suggest taking an example from a resident of San Francisco, a runner with considerable experience, Lenny Mohan: he has no problems with motivation, the guy just loves to run! He uses the dedicated Strava social media app to create amazing cross-country artwork. The American carefully plans his route in advance to run only along the lines of a certain pattern, using the streets of beautiful San Francisco as his canvas.

Lenny says that he cannot see the image that he “painted” with his runs until he completes the distance. But how much joy and a sense of satisfaction brings him the final run when he looks at the next picture he created.

Watch the video: Cyclist uses app to make city his canvas (May 2024).

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