Kazakh architect designed a glass house built around a tree

Kazakh architect Aibek Almasov designed this unique house in the form of a glass pipe back in 2013, but then he never managed to find investors who would be interested in such a project. Today, the extraordinary glass construction with solar panels, dubbed "The Tree in the House", is close to becoming a reality.

“About two years ago, I created a house design that would be harmless and allow as close as possible to nature,” Almasov says. “I respect nature, it feeds us, but we destroy it.”

"I was looking for a solution that would help in the future to avoid the destruction of forests, we want to live in harmony with them. Therefore, I came up with a tubular glass house around a tree.

Watch the video: The'Tree In The House,' a cylindrical glass home built around a fir tree. Aibek Almassov. HD (May 2024).

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