Giants of Africa

The largest land mammals in Africa, and on Earth - elephants, rhinos and hippos! These guys can weigh up to 5 tons. All three are extremely dangerous to people. It is from them that most tourists suffer. Do not try to approach them! They are already clearly visible :)

They are very big, very strong, and they have a bad character!

So, let's start with the hippos. They just look fat and clumsy! In fact, they run at a speed of 60 km / h! And they have a very powerful jaw, capable of breaking the ridge of a large crocodile. That is why they live nearby and do not bother each other. Hippos are not predators, and crocodiles do not risk :)

Rhinos - I love them very much! Adults have no natural enemies. They are powerful and have a terrible temper. For the months spent in Africa, this is the only animal that tried to attack me. More precisely, not even on me, but on my huge Land Cruiser, which does not seem so big next to the female rhino. Yes, and the rhino weighs more ... Unfortunately, these animals on Earth are extremely few. They are considered an endangered species. For 2000 square kilometers of Masai Mara reserve, 56 of them remained. The reason is poachers who kill these giants for their horns.

And, of course, the elephant. The biggest and incredibly strong! They are also killed for the sake of horns, but, fortunately, rangers, scientists and wildlife conservationists managed to stop the reduction in the number of livestock not only thanks to the active struggle against poachers, but also the ban on the sale of ivory products around the world, especially in Asia.

Watch the video: Giants of Africa: Ujiri on why 'Africa must win' (May 2024).

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