8 important and practical tips that can save a life in the event of a terrorist attack

As recent tragic events have shown, terrorist attacks can occur anywhere, anytime. You may encounter them while in your home country or on vacation abroad. Security expert Lloyd Figgins gave 8 invaluable tips on how to increase your chances of survival if you are at the epicenter of a terrorist attack.

Trust your instincts

It is important to trust your sixth sense. If something in the place where you are seems strange or suspicious to you, leave.

Move fast / don't freeze

If something strange or terrible begins to happen, it is very important to move fast. Often in this situation, people freeze because they do not know what to do. They do not have a plan for such a case, they do not understand what to do and where to go. But if you know where you can run away and know how to get there, then you can quickly move around.

Identify safe places

Make sure you know where to go in the event of an attack. If you intend to visit a place, consider several alternative routes to be able to quickly leave the danger zone. Knowing one way there and back is not enough, because it may be blocked.

Don't always move with the crowd

When you move, move fast, but not with the crowd. In the case of shooting, for example, often terrorists shoot at places of the highest density of people in order to kill and injure as much as possible.


Of course, in such a situation it is difficult to keep calm. You should train your consciousness so that the first instinct in case of danger is the desire to be at the maximum distance from criminals as soon as possible. Therefore, instead of "staying calm", it is better to focus. Focus on where you are going, where you need to be, and what you need to do.

Remember: "Run, hide, fight"

First of all, your main instinct should work: to be as far away from terrorists as possible. Secondly, if you can, run. Find a safe place to hide - behind a wall or something else. Remember, if you can see terrorists, they most likely can see you. If you are hiding indoors, lock the doors and turn off the lights. Finally, if you cannot run and hide, you will have to fight, because this is probably the only way to survive. Use everything that comes to hand: bottles, furniture, glass, fire extinguishers, etc.

Get ready for the arrival of the police

You need to know that when emergency services arrive at the scene, their first priority is to neutralize the threat, not take care of the victims. Make sure you are not mistaken for one of the bad guys, keep your hands in sight and do not move until you are allowed. When the police or the military arrive, they can behave very rudely with you until they are sure that you are not a threat. Just keep your hands in sight and do what you are told.

Chat with people outside the incident

Think about how you can reach people and let them know that you are safe. If everything is all right with you, you should inform your friends and relatives about this, for example, using the Facebook function "I'm safe."

Otherwise, you should try to tell people outside what is happening, as well as provide any useful information.

Watch the video: 10 Tips to Survive a Public Shooting or Attack (May 2024).

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