The first snowfall in New York

Something in this world is wrong. Somewhere in distant Moscow, people celebrated the New Year without a single snowflake, while New York, habitually pleasing us at that time of the year with pretty comfortable weather, is sometimes covered with evil frosts, then it is covered with tons of snow. The lake in front of my house has long turned into a gigantic skating rink, capable of withstanding even a truck (this is the first time in my memory), and yesterday the shovels and salt that the roads sprinkled in stores ended. Today in the morning, snow poured nonstop and a very sharp and piercing icy wind blew. By the evening, it seems, it got warmer, but by the morning the temperature will again drop to -15 ° C (it feels like -25 ° C). To say that such weather is not very characteristic of our places is to say nothing.

For all the cataclysms of nature, we must admit that snow and New York are a fantastic combination. It seems that this city is snowing like nothing else. He wraps it with soft snowdrifts, lulls it in snowstorms and forces him to do what only the most powerful hurricanes manage to do - to stop. First, cars disappear from the streets, then passers-by disappear somewhere, and then even the noise of the subway disappears. The city, like a huge beast, stops its eternal run, curls up into a ball and dutifully awaits the end of the snowfall.

Each heavy snowfall gives great joy to the townspeople and fills the news with reports, and the Internet with thousands of magical photos. The enthusiasm for snow can be overshadowed by the need to go to work, walk along uncleaned streets, encounter interruptions in public transport, or the need to remove tons of snow in order to dig out the entrance to your home or rescue a car from snow captivity. But if you are an ordinary photographer, dressed warmly and went for a walk with a camera on his shoulder, then there is definitely no finer place than snowy New York. Today I did not have such an opportunity. The north of New Jersey was swept so that I couldn’t just leave my house physically and spent the whole day only cleaning the road, which was sweeping endlessly. But Badikov had this opportunity, who walked very well with a camera in Manhattan. Below is his view of this year's first big New York snowfall.

At the metro station

Exit subway to Union Square

Madison Square District Park

One of the most famous buildings in New York

When removing snow, don't forget the style

Homes around Madison Square Park

Ground floor of the iron house

Bike rental station

Even in such weather, there are cyclists on the streets, and this is clearly a bicycle supplier

A rare car for New York

He still manages to watch the phone


Snow drifts and someone's umbrella


Lion at the library

In the park

Sparrows bask over the ventilation grill. They were so frostbitten that they could be collected by hand.

Fountain in Bryant Park

Snow-snow, and money must be earned anyway

Photo by Vladimir Badikov

Watch the video: ᴷ Walking NYC : First Snow of the Season 5th Ave, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, Broadway (September 2024).

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