13 hard satirical illustrations about today's world

The world, like the people living in it, is imperfect. Mankind constantly reminds of its imperfection, indulging in various vices: people are ready to destroy each other for money, power and so on. They kill animals for profit or simply out of sporting interest, humiliate their own kind just because they dare not to "comply", and rarely think about the consequences of their actions and decisions that have to be made while living in society.

The destructive influence of the masses and authorities on a person, about the thoughtlessness of actions, about human stupidity and blind knowledge, about the cruelty and cowardice of the modern world, is described in his works by the artist Gunduz Agaev.

Last oasis

TV appeal



The rescue


Wonderful journey


Modern man

Trump toy


Destroying the alternative

Execution of Sofia

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